Plan Advisors
We Don’t Sell Retirement Plans. We Help You Sell Retirement Plans.
Improve your outcome by improving participant outcomes with our advisor-driven solutions.
We don’t push products, we collaborate on solutions.
The retirement industry is complex, but we are here to curate solutions to meet the needs of the advisor, the plan sponsor and the participant. We enable our partners to operate as independently as they see fit — they are not bound to fund families, insurance products or any other type of proprietary products. We do not aim to compete with our advisor partners, we only support them.
When it comes to plan design and consulting, administration, investment management, recordkeeping and fiduciary services, it’s anything but a one-size-fits-all world. Count on American Trust Retirement to support you and your partners in everything from fully bundled to true open-architecture arrangements.

We know that every employee is on a uniquely personal path, and their success is our compass. Here are a few of the features your participants can expect:
- A convenient and comprehensive mobile app
- Personalized, interactive and goal-based online enrollment
- Industry-leading financial wellness tools that educate and engage
- Account information including a projected retirement score
Our robust digital platform offers participants an interactive experience while providing you, the advisor, with the tools and insights needed to strengthen your sponsor relationships. You’ll also have access to an advisor insights dashboard with an all-plans snapshot of participation, savings rates, savings success and more with the ability to push out targeted participant messaging to drive results.
Success is our Company
Investment Philosophy
At American Trust Retirement, participant success is always our compass. An integral component of this is an investment process that positions participants for success while providing advisors the flexibility to fulfill whatever investment role makes sense for them and their practice. Advisors that work with us can manage the investment selections, leverage our models or take advantage of our powerful Managed Account Platform.
Open Architecture Platform
- Extensive access to investment fund managers at the plan level.
- Institutional low–cost investment lineups.
- Help participants get the most out of their portfolios.
Collective Investment Trust (CIT) Funds
More than 100 unique investment options that are designed for retirement plan participants.
Personalized Managed Account Solutions
- A full suite of customizable managed account solutions with lifetime income benefit options.
Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts
- Expand the investment options offered through your plan.
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
- Access to ETFs for retirement plans.
Contact us today!
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