Stable Value Fund
The MetLife Unified Trust Stable Value fund offers a combination of low volatility and intermediate bond-like returns. The Fund has strong historical returns compared to peers and provides a very competitive crediting rate.

MetLife Unified Trust Stable Value Fund
The Fund is invested in three separate accounts of MetLife Insurance Company.
This is important because the assets of the separate accounts, unlike the general account, are dedicated specifically for stable value products and are not subject to the creditors of MetLife should they experience financial difficulty.
MetLife also provides the return guarantee or “wrap” for the fund that ensures the low volatility of returns.
Investment Oversight
Our Trust Investment Committee, which is responsible for the oversight of the MetLife Unified Trust Stable Value Fund, meets regularly to review and document:

Insurance Company Credit Rating and Financial Condition

Market to Book Ratio

Fund Performance Compared to Both Peers and a Blended Benchmark

Sub-Advisor Review Including Performance, Holdings, Characteristics and Fees
Success is our Company
Stable Value Subadvisors
The current subadvisors for the MetLife Unified Trust Stable Value Fund are:
Goldman Sachs
- The investment objective is to outperform the BBgBarc U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Bond Index over a market cycle.
- The subadvisor actively incorporates risk management and diversified investment strategies designed to add value. Long-term strategic tilts based on fundamental and quantitative sector research, as well as short-term tactical trades between sectors and securities within sectors, are implemented to optimize portfolio return.
- The investment objective is to outperform the BBgBarc U.S. Aggregate Bond index over a full market cycle.
- The subadvisor actively applies the same controlled duration relative value sector rotation, and security selection style to the management of all its fixed-income mandates. BlackRock strives to generate alpha within a risk-controlled framework. Real-time analysis of a vast array of risk measures allows it to assess the potential impact of various sector and security strategies on total return.
- The investment objective is to track the performance of the BBgBarc U.S. Aggregate Bond index, gross of fees
- MetLife utilizes a sampling approach to replicate the index using a combination of multi-factor optimization and stratified sampling to achieve the objective. The use of this combined approach allows for approximating the general characteristics and the diversification if the benchmark without holding all the constituents.
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